Blogging Tips For Beginners - Are You Making These 3 Mistakes?

There are 3 common mistakes that people make when they start blogging.The purpose of this article is to reveal those 3 mistakes and suggest how you can avoid them so that you build a following quicker!
Let me start by revealing what the 3 most common mistakes are;
1 Blogging too infrequently
Firstly , new bloggers just starting out tend to not blog enough. The obvious question is, so how often should you blog? As with many things, the experts often have differing views.
There is a consensus however that if you are serious about building a following, you need to be posting a blog post 3 to 4 times a week. One of these posts should be a longer article of say 700 words. This is known as a Pillar article as christened by Yaro Starak.
If you want to have a serious drive on increasing the amount of visitors to your blog, set yourself a challenge. Commit to blogging once a day for 1 month. Yes that's right even the weekends. It is possible to double the amount of visits you have.
2 Not building keywords into the blog content
If you are going to invest the time writing a blog, it would seem reasonable to assume that you want people to read it right?. Here is the thing then, you need to first invest some time and check out what the key words are related to the topic you want write about. Then choose two or three of the most searched terms and build your article around these.
3 Writing blog posts that bore
People, that's your potential customers by the way, take ten seconds to decide if they want to stay on your page or click away. For your potential clients, a.k.a readers to decide to stay on your blog page, you have to give them what they want. This maybe a solution to a problem, an idea, information they didn't know before or to amuse them. Period!
As you see, it really is that simple. Give them what they want and not what you want.
Here are some top tips on how you can engage your audience and followers.

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By Kevin N Sanders

1. What are you passionate about?
Almost every pro blogger I've read says the same thing-be passionate about your topic.  Think about it: you may spend the rest of your life making weekly (if not daily) post about your chosen subject.  It better be something you really care about.
I want to remind you of a couple of things here:
First, you may never make any money blogging.  Secondly, if you do make money, it will probably take several months (or years).  With these two things in mind, it makes sense to blog about something you enjoy.  If you blog for the sake of money, you'll quickly give up.
2. What do people ask you about?
This question is a great way to figure out what you already know that others are interested in.  What do friends, family, or acquaintances ask your advice on?  This can be anything, from recipes to investment tips.  I started my fitness website because I've been giving training advice for years.  You may have some hobby that your friends always ask you about.  Every one of us knows something that is helpful, interesting, or inspiring (or all three).  Blogging is your chance to share this information with the world.
3.  What are you learning?
Is there something you've been learning?  Blog it!  You don't really have to be an expert-just invite others along your journey.  You may offer fresh insights the "experts" have overlooked.  I'll give you an example from the health/fitness genre:  many blogs are started by overweight individuals who want to journal their weight loss.  These blogs can be very inspiring, even though they aren't from "fitness experts."
I hope these three questions will help you decide what your blog's topic should be.

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